
Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Navigating the Interior Life provides a straight forward framework for effective spiritual direction and an understanding of how to experience growth both within and outside of a spiritual direction relationship. If you are looking to dig deeper, if you are stuck and don’t know why, if your relationship with God seems like something far less than you desire, this book will provide the necessary...

repentance that Christ reveals leaves us in a state of vulnerability to greater sin? True repentance has three parts: one, the recognition of and sorrow for sin; two, turning away from sin (if we are on the right path, the first two stages bring us to the sacrament of confession); and three, doing good works that reflect a turning away from particular sin. A note of clarification is in order. The third stage of repentance includes whatever penance that emerges out of confession, but also then extends
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